TikTok Music Tab


TikTok Music Tab

In the UK, Artists are able to claim their status as a certified artist via Artist Accounts on TikTok. And with their new update, Artists can now add a music tab to their artist profile, showcasing all of their songs. Previously only available for artists with over 10k followers is now open for everyone!

Follow the below steps in your TikTok settings to self-certify yourself as an artist.

Once you enable the feature, it will automatically populate your delivered music under the music tab, as well as unlock other music integrations like By ArtistBehind the SongNew Release Feature and a TikTok to DSP’s Add to Playlist feature. You’ll also see the “Artist” tag displayed on your TikTok profile.

To enable this feature, artists must do so via a mobile device by following this link.

  • If you’re an Absolute Label Services client, your music has already been delivered to TikTok.
  • Once you activate the music tab on your profile, your music will automatically populate there.


More Information Here

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