The 8th of March is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.
Absolute recognises women’s accomplishments in the independent music industry and we’re incredibly proud to work with a range of extremely talented female artists as well as record labels that are led by women.
Equality and diversity in the workforce form part of Absolute’s core values. Our workforce is 57% female and half of them hold senior positions within the company.
We caught up with Gina Deacon who is head of Global Copyright & Collections for Absolute Rights Management to hear about her experience as a senior member of staff at Absolute:
I feel extremely fortunate not to have encountered gender bias at Absolute Rights Management and am proud to have built a team that is heavily female led, delivering great results. Since the start of my career with Absolute I have never been the only woman in the room and have been actively encouraged and supported in my career choices, as well as inspired to seek and create fantastic opportunities.
I find it frustrating that in 2022 we still need to have a day to recognise the achievements of women. I do believe, however, that our industry is changing for the better and working towards a fairer future with an incredible pool of female talent and I consider myself very lucky to be working with a company that sees diversity at the heart of its operation.