Use Spotify Canvas to Increase Playlist Adds & Boost Track Shares


Use Spotify Canvas to Increase Playlist Adds & Boost Track Shares

Spotify recently offered up some interesting stats that should encourage artists to get busy adding Canvases to their tracks on the platform.

Not only can an excellent quality Canvas increase fan engagement on your music, it’s also:

  • 145% more likely your track will be shared
  • 20% more likely to get added to playlists
  • 9% more likely that fans will visit your profile
  • likely to increase streams of your track by 5%
  • 1.4% more likely fans will save your track

What is Spotify Canvas?

Canvas is a Spotify feature artists can use to bring release artwork to life. The feature can be viewed by listeners who visit the Spotify ‘now playing’ page on their mobile device. Static release artwork is replaced by a full screen image or looping video. Artists and their teams can see Canvas view stats within Spotify for Artists.

Learn more and get started with Spotify Canvas by checking out our blog post.

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