The Digital Distribution Switch Code


The Digital Distribution Switch Code

Absolute is proud to support the ‘Digital Distribution Switch Code’, a best practice statement from independent distributors.

The AIM initiative sets out six principles distributors should operate to help their clients and make switching from one distribution service to another quick and easy.

The Code: 1. clients have control of their digital assets, 2. clients will get any money due to them, 3. we will help preserve cliens' platform integrity, 4. we will help the switch go smoothly, 5. we will help our clients to understand our business, 6. we will foster industry best practice

Clients who wish to switch their digital distribution to Absolute and those who wish to leave to another distributor can be confident that Absolute will work to make their switch as smooth as possible.

The code and accompanying guides (below) were born from a 2017 blog piece in Music Business Worldwide by Absolute Managing Director, Simon Wills, titled ‘5 Cast Iron Commitments Artists Should Demand From Digital Distributors’.

Drawing further inspiration from the Current Account Switch Guarantee in the banking sector, the code developed by AIM highlights the high standards and leadership shown in independent distribution when working in partnership with rightsholder clients – not just at the point of onboarding and day-to-day, but also at what could otherwise be a difficult time when the contractual relationship is ending.

“It’s great to see the ‘Digital Distribution Switch Code’ come to life and hopefully it will encourage many distribution companies to sign up an engage with this belief. Well done all at AIM and let’s hope there’s more to come.”
Simon Wills
Managing Director – Absolute Label Services
Chair – AIM Distribution Action Group

Guidelines and info for both Distributors and their clients (Rightsholders – artists / labels)

The six principles that Distributors can carry out to make switching from one digital distribution service to another quick and easy.

The whats, the whys, the whos, and the hows.

Are you new to this? Understand what the ‘Digital Distribution Switch Code’ is and what to consider when moving to a new Distributor or when joining one.

Key points to consider when entering into a distribution agreement, onboarding, and switching Distributor.

An outline of the kinds of activities that distributors will usually do when catalogue is moved from one distributor to another.

Artists and labels looking to switch to Absolute can contact the team at
Absolute clients can contact their dedicated label manager to begin the switching process.

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